Running for Higher Office
Read below to see the perks and benefits that come with the position in New York District Key Club, or International Council!
Oversees the entire District Board, delegates tasks, etc.
Keeps records, manages the MRFs and assist the Club Secretaries
Monitor finances and manage FRFs, and assist the Club Treasurers
Serve as a Liaison between the District and the International Board
Due Date: February 7, 2025 by 5 PM EST
If you are interested in running for District Governor, Secretary, and Treasurer, or seeking endorsement for International President, Vice President, or Trustee, sign up!
Due Date: March 24, 2025 by 5 PM EST
Each club in good standing is entitled to two (2) delegates and two (2) alternates at caucus and the House of Delegates at LTC in March, where new executive officers and potential amendments will be discussed and voted upon. To be considered in good standing, a club must have paid both their International and District dues, and the delegate must have paid their dues as well. This is important in order to ensure your club has a say in the future of our organization!
Due Date: February 23, 2025 by 5 PM EST
Answer the questions that state your reason for applying and your qualifications for the role. Fill out the transportation form, medical form, and photo release form.
Find out to see what each position entails and learn more about whether or not you might be a great fit.
When deciding between a District and International position it is important to remember that the higher the position, the less direct communication with members.
District officers are expected to communicate with club officers in addition to Lt. Governors, but Trustees are only required to communicate with their assigned Governors. Trustees may choose to communicate directly with Lt. Governors, or with the Lt. Governors through the Governor, but it can be difficult to communicate with club officers when there are so many other responsibilities.
If you are passionate about getting directly involved with the members, you may lean more towards a District position.
District and International positions may come with new responsibilities but they do not diminish pre-existing responsibilities to home clubs and divisions. Key Clubbers who are elected to higher offices are expected to maintain their current level of involvement with their clubs and should serve as role models to other members.
District and International positions require a significant time commitment, and these officers must be skilled with time management. It is easy to become overwhelmed when serving at these levels of Key Club, but the work you are expected to do will not decrease.
If you struggled with managing your time on the club or division level, you may need to reconsider running for higher office until you can guarantee that you are prepared to take on more responsibilities.
Key Club offers many different leadership opportunities, and although the options may seem overwhelming initially, each position is unique in its responsibilities. Before deciding what position is right for you, you must know your strengths and what aspects of Key Club you enjoy most.
You have the opportunity to make a long-lasting change on the opportunities that future Key Clubbers will have in their home clubs, divisions, and districts.
Time Commitment: 12 hours a week (minimum)
The Governor shall be the executive officer of the district and shall preside at all conventions and at all meetings of the Board of Trustees. He shall be an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees. It shall be his duty to attend any convention of Key Club International
• prepare and distribute communiqués to club presidents and the district board • prepare and distribute tentative dated agendas for each district board meeting • develop materials and institute a training program for district officers • provide written directives and assist district committees in their operation • attend required meetings/events • create Lieutenant Governor reporting expectations and evaluate board members’ performance • promote Kiwanis family relations • demonstrate a strong relationship with the board liaison • file all reports required by the Key Club International Office or Board within specified time limits • perform at least 50 hours of service to your home, school, or community • must have and maintain at least a “B” average
Time Commitment: 8 hours a week (minimum)
The Secretary shall keep all records of the Leadership Training Conference and of the meetings of the Board of Trustees. He shall submit a report to the annual convention and at such other times as the Governor or the Board of Trustees may require. He shall submit to the proper officials and committees all communications received from Key Club International. He shall cooperate with the Governor in forwarding all official reports required by Key Club International. He shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Governor or the Board of Trustees.
• prepare and distribute communiqués to club secretaries and communiqués to the district board • develop materials for and conduct a club secretary’s workshop at the district convention at the end of his/her term of office • distribute copies of all district board minutes to district board officers and the Kiwanis International Office • attend required meetings and events • present a secretary’s report at all official board meetings • compile the final reports of all the committees of the district board at the end of term • produce and distribute a club officer directory to clubs/district officers within specified time limits, and produce addendums to the club officer directory as needed • perform at least 50 hours of service to your home, school, or community • must have and maintain at least a “B” average
Time Commitment: 6 hours a week (minimum)
The office of district treasurer is responsible for monitoring district finances, creating and filing all appropriate reports and coordinating dues collection. He or she also contributes to the district newsletter and supports club treasurers. He or she also monitors the payment of membership dues and communicates sufficiently to remind club members to submit them on time. The officer is elected at the district convention.
• prepare and distribute most recent monthly financial reports and dues reports to the district board • prepare and distribute communiqués to club treasurers and communiqués to the district board • send notification of delinquent dues status to Key Club presidents, school principals, and presidents of sponsoring Kiwanis clubs and faculty advisors at appropriate times • attend required meetings and events • present a treasurer’s report at all official board meetings • strive to make all communications timely, well written, free of mistakes, and follow the Key Club graphics standards • perform at least 50 hours of service to your home, school, or community • must have and maintain at least a “B” average
Find out to see what each position entails and learn more about whether or not you might be a great fit.
A district executive assistant is the key communications and public relations person between the executive board and district board members. These people are charged with supporting and providing help to the members of the executive board. The Executive Assistant will receive and monitor the updates provided by the Lt. Governors of the District.
A district bulletin editor is the key communications and public relations person for the district. This person is charged with sharing news, correspondence, and promotions from the district board to the clubs in your district and with promoting district events in your community. This role is a good fit for a person who has excellent writing skills, and is willing to learn and follow Key Club graphic standards.” The District Bulletin Editor will be responsible for creating four district-wide Empire Key newsletters during the year
The district webmaster is the key communications and public relations person for the district in all technology-related aspects. This person is charged with sharing news, correspondence, and promotions from the district board to the clubs in your district and with promoting district events in your community. This role is a good fit for a person who has excellent technology and designing skills and is willing to learn and follow Key Club graphic standards. The district webmaster also has to have experience with website management.
Reach out to the Lieutenant Governor of your division to learn more about running for the role. Find out your division here.
International Positions
Find out to see what each position entails and learn more about whether or not you might be a great fit.
Time Commitment: 14 hours a week (minimum)
As chief executive, the president exercises general supervision over the work and activities of Key Club International. He or she presides over the international convention and all meetings of the Board of Trustees and the International Council. The president is the official representative of Key Club International with Kiwanis-family leadership and external agencies.
Time Commitment: 14 hours a week (minimum)
The vice president is prepared to perform the duties of the president in the event the president is unable to do so. He or she chairs at least one international committee, supports all other committee chairmen performs duties, and attends events as deemed necessary by the international president and/or board of trustees.
Time Commitment: 12 hours a week (minimum)
A trustee works with the rest of the Key Club International Board to define the administrative policies of Key Club International. He or she interprets the scope and meaning of the bylaws, carries out committee directives, and maintains consistent communication with the leadership of the districts to which he or she is assigned.
Good Luck!
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at with any questions/concerns.