In late May about 10 people in General Brown’s Key Club held a car wash from 1-4pm to raise money for our account so we have more funds to get nicer materials for future service projects, that may be a little more pricey. Members that helped out are:
Madison Curry, Conner Shuler-Hopper, Emma Gilligan, Caden Crosby, and Jenna McIntosh. In addition, we will take some of the
$280 and donate after our club votes on a place. General Brown’s Key Club secretary Conner says, “ It was really fun to have
everyone helping out and washing cars… we all had our jobs that we would have to do which made the work go more quickly and
fun making it a little contest.” Everyone one in GB’s Key Club ended up having a lot of fun, we all are really excited to see
where the money gets donated to help a lot of people.
Author- Madison Curry