Endorsed Projects

Kamp Facilities
The Kamp is located six miles north of Rome, N.Y., on 102 acres of open and wooded land in the rolling western foothills of the Adirondack Mountains. There is an administration building with an infirmary; sleeping cabins, bath houses, athletic fields, library, sports area, swimming pool, nature trails, a camping area with a teepee, arts and crafts facilities and a pond for fishing and canoeing.
Youth Kamp
Kamp Kiwanis is a coed camp that accepts children aged 8 to 14, and has a Counselor-In-Training program for those 15-17. The Kamp has the capacity of 130 Kampers. Kamp starts at 3 p.m. on Sunday and ends at 8 a.m. on Saturday. Busing is available from all areas of New York State, with different areas served each week. See the busing schedule for more details.
Adult Kamp
The first two weeks of Kamp are for adults who have developmental disabilities. The program is designed to provide them with one of their most fun-filled vacations ever!
What Kamp Kiwanis Is
Kamp Kiwanis is aimed at providing fun, physical exercise and adventure. It strives to afford opportunities to participate in a creative outdoor group experience in a democratic setting and develop characteristics of leadership and fair play.
The program at Kamp Kiwanis is designed to mainstream all children, including up to 20 each session with special needs. It is non-competitive with emphasis on group and team building. No activity is forced, but all are encouraged.
NYDKC's Goal For this Project
New York District Key Club has a goal of raising $1500 for Kamp Kiwanis this year. You can help by hosting fundraisers and volunteering!
Kamp Kiwanis
9020 Kiwanis Road
Taberg, NY 13471
Website: https://www.kampkiwanis.org/index.html Telephone: (315) 336-4568
Fax: (315) 336-3845
E-mail: kamp@kampkiwanis.org